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Deirdre Sabo
Jan 73 min read
Why Are My Dressage Scores Not Reflecting My Hard Work?
As dressage riders, we often find ourselves striving for that elusive score that reflects the hard work and dedication we've put into our...
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Deirdre Sabo
Oct 22, 20243 min read
Observing Regionals: Insights from the Sidelines
This year’s regional championships were filled with remarkable talent and skill. However, for me, they also came with a bittersweet twist.
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Deirdre Sabo
Aug 14, 20244 min read
The Power of Mindfulness in Dressage
Mindfulness is a powerful concept that has gained significant traction in recent years, particularly within the equestrian community. At...
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Deirdre Sabo
May 5, 20234 min read
Set Goals: The Rest Will Follow
This post is a pretty personal one, but one that I was willing to be vulnerable for because it is just not talked about enough. We all...
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Deirdre Sabo
May 1, 20231 min read
Show Day Routine
What is your show day routine? Your ride in the show ring has so much more to do with the structure and routine around the ride than...
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Deirdre Sabo
Apr 10, 20233 min read
The Test
What is a dressage "test"? The word "test" inspires fear into so many people, but lets look at the true meaning of testing. A test is...
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